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New Archer Information: Costs Involved



Compared with many sports, archery is not expensive, but there are some upfront costs when you have completed a beginners course and have decided to take the sport more seriously. This issue may be particularly important for families.


Membership of EAC is currently £130 per year per person (with discounts for prompt payment and also for regular attendance at work-days, beginners courses, have-a-go events). Junior membership is £60.


There are discounts for joining part way through the year (which runs Sept-Aug), and for completing one of our beginners courses.


New archers sometimes ask if it is possible to borrow club equipment after completing a course. We strongly discourage this for several reasons:


  • An archer needs to have his or her own custom kit.
  • If an archer were to venture on to the line with beginners kit they would immediately be aware of its limitations.
  • Wear & tear on our equipment.
  • Other beginners courses will need the equipment.

A new archer can get a set of new kit for £150, upwards. Most of the shops, for example Aardvark in Leeds, offer new archer packages ranging from £165 - £725. Spend £1000 and you will be able to compete at the highest level. Equipment for juniors can be considerably less, but be prepared to buy longer arrows as the body grows!


Second-hand equipment is available, but we would ALWAYS advise that you take advice on buying from an experienced archer. You need to have a bow that matches you (for draw length and draw weight), and arrows that match you and the bow. 


For further information for beginners classes at EAC please see here.

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